How Old Is Scout Ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Walking? YES!!!

That's right, I feel like I can FINALLY say...Scout is walking!!! Nope, she isn't your average toddler that was walking 3 months ago at 12 months of age. She can, however, play a recorder instrument, like no other and blow her nose all by herself. :)

I didn't think this day was ever going to come. She's been "toddling" around for a couple of months now. She'd tease us and taken about 5 steps and then not walk for days. Well, today, Scout woke up and confidence and is now officially, a WALKER! Okay, I'm probably going overboard here, but I am little excited. I know she's still going to have "not-so-good" days, but I really think we've overcame this obsession with crawling. At least I'm hoping that's the case!

The only video proof I have is on my cell phone and I'm not sure how to get that on here. Maybe my computer savvy hubby can help me with that in the near future. :)

Scout will be 15 months on Wednesday. I'm hoping to find time to post pictures from the 1st of each month over the last 15 months so we can reminisce. My, how time flies! :(

I'll leave you with this picture. It shows so much of Scout's personality...She's ROTTEN!


  1. That is wonderful, Tina. They all walk in their own time and this is her time. Mom and I were talking about how beautiful she is and we both think she has your gorgeous eyes! A very special gift you have there!

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  3. Awww, thanks Auntie BoBo! I see so much of myself in her at times, but then she can give me a certain look and I'm like yep, she's her Papa through and through. :) You are right, every child does everything at their own pace. I was just having a hard time dealing with it. The pediatrician told us that we should worry until she was 18 months, then we might want to worry. Children start walking between 7 and 18 months, I guess that's why 12 months is the average. We need to go visit Ninny soon, we don't see her enough. It's hard when you live 45 minutes plus away. I'm off on Tuesday's and Friday's through the week, I should make better effort. We love you!
