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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Jean Louise Finch

"Neighbours bring food with death, and flowers with sickness, and little things in between. Boo was our neighbour. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a knife, and our lives."

That is just one of many wonderful quotes from Jean Louise Finch a.k.a. Scout from To Kill A Mockingbird. What a wonderful, meaningful novel and movie. The novel is narrated by Scout explaining her journey through life in which she realizes that racism and inequality are rampant in her town. This year, Harper Lee celebrates the novel's 50th anniversary. She finally speaks out about the book, her life, and finally, her achievement.

Today, Adam and I went to see To Kill A Mockingbird at the Tennessee Theatre. Seeing this movie on the big screen in such a beautiful theater, makes it that much better. To Kill A Mockingbird was one of the first movies that Adam and I watched together in his apartment when we were dating. It's Adam's favorite novel and has a lot of meaning to us, especially since June 1, 2009.

On that warm, spring night, our beautiful baby girl was born. She was an angel sent from Heaven above on our cousin Tabby's birthday. I knew Tabby was watching down on us from Heaven as I delivered yet another miracle into this world. This tiny, sweet baby was to be unnamed until we met her, held her, and saw her face. We were in no hurry to decide on her name, we had a couple of days, although everyone was referring to her as "Raylea" which is her middle name. Raylea comes from my mother-in-law's middle name, Ray and my moms middle name, Lea. Adam and I had narrowed down our favorite names to just a few, Scout being one of them.

Scout was born at 8:10p.m. It seemed like an eternity before I got to hold her. The nurses did their thing, my mom leaves the room soon after to tell all of the family of her arrival, and finally, the makers of Scout get their special time with her. The moment I laid my eyes on her, I knew that she was Scout. It fit her best. I looked at Adam and said, "Scout, she's definitely a Scout!" After having our bonding time with Scout, we called the rest of the family in to meet the newest addition. Everyone was passing her around the room and adoring her and suddenly my mom goes, "So, what's her name?" I said, "Her name is Scout!" She claims she had a feeling she would be Scout. Adam and I had not disclosed any of the names we had picked out, but my mom remembered me talking about the name after Adam had mentioned it early in our pregnancy.

As I watched To Kill A Mockingbird today, I thought about Scout the entire time. I wondered if she will have that same spunky attitude that Jean Louise had. I am so thankful that she has such a meaningful name to Adam and me. It couldn't fit my girl, Scout, any better.

I will never do a post without a picture. With that said, I couldn't think of any better pictures to post than these. Enjoy all!

These pictures are from Scout's 3 month photo shoot. We wanted to use the book her name came from as a prop. She was so tiny, that was 11 months ago! Time flies! :(

This is the first page that Scout's name is mentioned.
This hardback book was bought especially for Scout and has a page dedicating it to her, from Mama and Papa.

There's my girls name and her precious, tiny feet.

I hope this is Scout's favorite book someday.

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