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Sunday, August 22, 2010

There's So Much To See, So Much To ZOO

I finally took Scout to the zoo for the very first time. This past Tuesday, August 17, 2010 with the diaper bag packed, sippy cup full and Scout wearing her special zoo themed outfit that GG made, we headed to the Knoxville Zoo. We were so excited to have some company come along with us, my Mom, Craig (step-dad), and Allison (step-sister). They helped me out a ton! Scout doesn't like to hang out in the stroller like she used to.

We had such a fun-fulled day, but was it ever so hot and humid! By the end of the day, we were all dripping sweat. I've been wanting to take Scout to the zoo for some time, but wanted to wait until she was little older so she would enjoy it more. Scout loves animals so very much, so I knew she would be thrilled to see all these furry animals around.

We visited the zebras, elephants, giraffes, gorillas, chimpanzees, red pandas, rhinos, butterflies, baboons, birds, lions, African wild dogs, wild boars, meerkats, & chipmunks. Can you guess which of these animals was Scout's favorite? I'll give you a second a guess... It was the meerkats! She was fascinated by them. There was one in particular that was very curious and kept pacing back and forth along the window. Scout wanted so badly to touch him and love him. She loves to hug and kiss on animals.

Overall, our fun zoo day was a success! I can't wait to take Scout back when Papa (Adam) can go. We actually went to Kroger today to buy two more tickets because the buy one get one free special ended today. Next time, we'll be going in the fall. I'm really considering buying the family membership package for a year. The zoo can be so educational, especially at Scout's age. She can learn about all of the animals and get to see them in person. I am considering doing her 2nd birthday party at the zoo, too. I know it seems silly to plan that far ahead, but you can never start too soon, right?

Enjoy pictures below from our zoo experience.

Scout says, "Ohhhhhhhhh!"

A beautiful monarch butterfly.

I love zebras and zebra print! ;-)

Scout sees something else interesting.

I love that precious smile!

This is from Scout's amazing meerkat experience. I bet if she knew how to ask us, she'd be asking for one of this little fellers.

Pointing and "Ohhhhhing" with Auntie Allison

Scout loved drinking lemonade from Nana's tall cup!

Auntie Allison and Scout

Scout was giving the giraffe lovin's. She is such an affectionate child. I love it!

Here's the real deal, giraffe. I'm sure Scout would have loved on him, too.

The cutest zebra in the zoo!

The lion was snoozing. A lot of the animals were sleeping, actually. It was way too hot!

Three generations. Me, Scout, and Mom (Nana)

I loved watching this gorilla. He amazed me!

This chimpanzee is looking a bit old. He looks so bored.

This little guy was a hoot to watch. He certainly put on a show for the crowd. He was very cute and clumsy. He was do flips and fall. It was hilarious. This was probably Scout's second favorite animal to watch.

The cute, little chimpanzee again. I believe he was eating a slice of orange.

This little guy was sleeping and seemed pretty boring, but man was he cute. I stood there for about 5 minutes taking pictures before he finally turned around. I was so happy to get a face shot. Look at that sweet, adorable face. I love the red pandas!

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are great. I'm glad you guys had a good time.
