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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Save the TaTa's

Scout's and my tradition shall continue...

On Saturday, October 30, 2010, we participated in our 3rd Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure together. Scout's first year was in utero. That is when Adam and I announced our pregnancy to dad and Lisa. Last year, Scout's first "real" year, she was just 4 months old and this year, Scout was nearly 17 months old. I hope Scout and I are able to do this race together for many more years to come. We always walk in Celebration of my grandmother (Scout's great grandmother) Nellie Stinnett (Ninny) and my mother-in-law (Scout's grandma) Judy Gilreath. We are very proud to be able to celebrate their victories over breast cancer for them.

I wish I could say that Scout was an angel during the race, but I can't. She cried pretty much non-stop before the race started until after it ended. It wasn't a tearful cry, but a whiny cry. It all started when she was scolded for smacking me in the face (a habit I am trying to break). I ended up carrying her nearly half of the 5k and was feeling the soreness in my arms by that night! Carrying a kid and pushing a stroller up and down hills isn't easy, but I still think it was worth every ache and pain my body endured. Hopefully, Scout will enjoy next years race much more than this year.

Below I've posted some pictures from this years race as well as the previous years.

This year Scout and I walked with Team-Mt. Olive's Soaring Eagles. I usually have family that participates with me, but this year, that wasn't the case. My friend, Appen, invited us to walk with her team/co-workers from Mt. Olive Elementary School. Thanks for letting us be part of your team, Appen!

The race has begun and Scout isn't happy, so I'm carrying her.

Look at all of the people!

In Celebration of...

The 5k has been completed and Scout is cheering up. I couldn't get her to look at the camera.

These ladies were too cute not to share on my blog.

Scout and I didn't have our picture taken at the race, so Papa took our picture once we got home. Notice my shoes...those are Vibram Five Fingers. I wore them during the entire race. I had lots of people ask me about them because they look so weird, but I love them! I am flat footed, so they work well for me.

I had to get a close-up of Scout's pants. My mamaw made those for Scout for the race, just as she did last years outfit. I picked up the material, told mamaw my idea, and she perfected it. Thanks, Mamaw!!

The back side of Scout's pants. Mamaw added pockets, which I thought were adorable, and belt loops and a matching belt. She is so talented!

This is what Scout received as a participant in place of a shirt. I thought it was cute, but wish they would've had shirts her size.

Race Pictures from the Past

This was Scout's first year participating, but she was just a little pea in a pod in my belly.
Pictured above: Cierra, Me, Lisa, and Maggie

In Celebration of...

The shirt Adam made me to announce our pregnancy to dad and Lisa. They didn't notice immediately, but once they did, there was lots of excitement!

Scout's first "real" year participating. This was the first time she met Ronald McDonald. She was just 4 months old and wasn't at all interested.

Group Shot: Me, Scout, Cierra, and Candace

In Celebration of...

Our group name last year was, The Tennessee TaTa's. Adam made our shirts. I was posing with co-workers, Christy Ferris and Christy Claiborne. Since then, some of us have gotten smart and left Cherokee Health. ;)

Scout's special outfit from last year that mamaw made. She was so little!!! :(

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