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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Funstastic Fall Festivities

Since this blog is "All About Scout", I will start by giving you an update on the new things she's doing. To me, Scout is so very smart, but I know every parent thinks their child is the smartest, prettiest, funniest, etc.

Scout has widened her vocabulary a little more by saying "ball", "bite", "more", "keys", "shoes", "hat", "boo" and "moon". At least those are the words we are definite about. She also says "What is that?" She loves to identify any kind of ball she sees whether it's in the floor, store, or TV. She is always so proud of herself. She looks at me or Adam and says "A ball". It's so cute! There's no more guessing when she is hungry now because she tells us "bite" and when she wants more to eat or drink, she tells us "more" and runs to the kitchen and points to the cabinet or the refrigerator. She also likes to identify keys when she sees them lying around as well as shoes. She loves shoes at such a young age, I'm not sure where she gets that from?? Hehe! She likes to take her hats off her head and say "hat" and put it back on. It's so cute! She loves wearing hats so much that she goes to her room to get one to wear while she's playing. I've trained my girl just right! ;) Scout also still loves to play peek-a-boo, so now she grabs a blanket, toy, anything really and hides behind it and says "a boo!" She is fascinated by the moon and points to it at night and says "moon!". She has a star light show that we turn on at night when she goes to bed and she always finds to moon. Another thing that's really gross, but cute to Adam and I is how Scout likes to smell her feet. It know, it sounds so gross, but it's my fault. One evening I took her shoes off, being silly with her, I smelled her feet and said, "ShooWeeee!" Scout thought that was hilarious, so now she does it and likes to do it to us, too. She has such an adorable, witty personality! Although, I'm making everything sound like sugar, spice, and everything nice, it isn't always that way. She has her naughty side, too! As she's getting older, she's developing quite the temper and is very set in her ways at times. The other day she was getting in trouble for something, so I was pointing my finger at her telling her "No!". So, she started pointing her finger at me with this smirky smile on her face and started to run off. That didn't go over so well with mommy. :) Although, it was kind of funny to me, I held my composure and disciplined her as usual. I will say though, Scout is an exceptional kid. I know she's going to get in trouble from time to time because she's learning what she can and can't get by with. But, overall, I couldn't ask for a better behaved toddler.

As for the potty training, it's in the works. I think for Scout's age, she is doing exceptional. She uses her potty almost every day. Some days she more interested than others, but I know we are going to have days like that.

Fall is my favorite time of the year! It is usually a very busy time of the year, but always so much fun!

Over the last few weeks, we have enjoyed lots of activities. Check out the pictures below to see what happening we've been in to.

The Friday before Halloween, we went to a Halloween gathering at Grump and Gran's house. This one of the pumpkins that Gran carved.

Grumpy has a nice fire going to keep everyone warm.

Scout is sporting her pre-Halloween outfit.

It's Saturday now and we are heading to Trunk or Treat at Uncle Six, Auntie Appen, and BFF Sam's church.

Sam was very happy to see Scout. So sweet!

It's Halloween morning and Scout has a basket of goodies from Mama and Papa.

I booked a Halloween costume photo shoot for Scout with Growing Love Photography by Megan Parker. Scout did great!

Scout was the cutest Diva Cookie Monster, ever! I baked some chocolate chip cookies for Scout to eat during the shoot. All of her pictures turned out great!

After the photo shoot, we went to Boo at the Zoo at Knoxville Zoo.

Scout really enjoyed dancing to all the music. So, I took a moment to dance with her.

And of course, Papa danced with his girl, too!

We saw one of Scout's daycare friends, Millie.

Scout did a perfect flip off that bench just after this picture was taken. I think she needs to be in tumbling classes. It was so graceful and she didn't even hit her head.

Scout really enjoyed dancing with the belly dancers. She fit right in!

17 Months!!
Today, 11/01/10, I am 17 months old! Such a big girl!

Bald River Falls, Fish Hatchery, and Cherohala Skyway
Scout, Grumpy, Gran, and Me--Posing in front of Bald River Falls

Now it's Adam's turn to pose with them.

We visited the Fish Hatchery while there. Grumpy was showing Scout all of the rainbow trout.

Yep, she's running from me! :)

It was snowing on the Cherohala Skyway. My first snowball of the year!

The 5th Annual East TN Chili Cook-Off
World's Fair Park
Scout says "Hi" to Papa as she passes by him while he's taking her picture. It was hilarious!

Isn't she the cutest thing in her knee socks!

Scout and Grumpy, except...Grumpy isn't grumpy when Scout's around! :)

Gran, Scout, and Grumpy at the Chili Cook-Off

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