How Old Is Scout Ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 11, 2010

She's My Clone!

Okay, so it's always a debate as to who your child looks the most like. I've always thought Scout favored Adam mostly, but as she's gotten older, I was leaning more towards me. After my Aunt KK posted a picture of my father and me on Facebook yesterday, I'm convinced that my child is my clone. The only different between the two of us in this picture is the color of our hair. I'll let you be the judge...

My daddy and me. He has always been so handsome! I would guess my age was around 18 months?

This picture of Scout was just before she turned a year old. It was the best picture I had to show a good comparison to. There's no denying her as my child, that's for sure!

I called my dad today because I was so excited to see this picture that I didn't even know existed. He tells me that when he looks at Scout, it's like reliving his memories with me all over again. That melts me heart! :) Apparently, her personality is much like mine was when I was her age. A big thanks to my Aunt KK for posting this picture to Facebook. You've brought much joy to my heart!

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