How Old Is Scout Ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

I've noticed a trend in blog posting recently, it's called "Wordless Wednesday". It's when you do a post of pictures on a Wednesday. I'd like to do that tonight, although it's almost Thursday. I'm also hardly ever wordless. Hehe! With that said, enjoy lots of pictures from some fall festivities over the past week. I love fall, y'all!

Oakes Farm Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze--Corryton, TN

Scout kicked off her boots for the hay ride to the pumpkin patch. So precious!

She was all over the field checking out all of the pumpkins.

I think I'll use this pumpkin as a toy and ride it.

She's such a strong girl carrying around a pumpkin.

She appears to be on a mission.

This past weekend was rather warm, but I took Scout's orange sweater anyways to get a few pictures in it. We love orange here in East Tennessee. Go Vols!

She's determined to get some where.

I like this pumpkin, mama!

My strong girl picked up another pumpkin, she dropped it shortly after this was taken.

Sweater has been removed and flower on hat has been changed. We're ready for more pictures! :)

Scout loves to carry small objects in her hands. She has Gran's lid to her water bottle.

Look at that precious face!

Yes, only my child would find an ear of corn at a pumpkin patch. She became very attached to that ear of corn. Silly girl!

I'm sure this was one of the pictures where she was pretending to take a bite of something. She's so witty sometimes. She now says, "Yum Yum" afterwards.

Grump, Gran, and Scout getting ready to get a tractor ride back to the corn maze.

Grumpy, Gran, Scout, and Papa on the wagon waiting for our hayride to start.

Now we're in the corn maze and Scout isn't that impressed.

Mama and Scout


Scout thoroughly enjoyed her trip to Oakes Farm!

Family Gathering at Mamaw's in Bubba's Garage

Scout and Great Unka Jimmy. He left the next day to go back home to Oregon. She's going to miss him so much!

Isn't she the cutest sitting in that chair? I thought so!

This is Scout's and my cousin, Aliya. She was so excited to finally meet her family from Tennessee. Scout fell in love with her and followed her around everywhere. We hope to see you again soon, Aliya!

An Evening Picnic at Norris Lake

Scout and Mama enjoying our picnic in front of the lake.

Scout was really enjoying the cream cheese ball. She wasn't patient enough to eat it on crackers, so she helped herself with a fork.

I love moments like this!

Scout and Papa admiring our view of Norris Lake. It was getting dark, so the picture is kind of hard to see.

Family shots are difficult to take, so this is as good as it gets! That wrapped up our past weekend. We have many more activities planned for this weekend and we can't wait!

Happy Halloween to everyone, please be safe!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

It's Potty Time!!

I've never in my life been so excited over pee and poop!

Adam and I bought Scout a potty chair a little over a month ago. We felt like it was a little early to start potty training, but she had been showing some signs, like pulling at her diaper as if it were annoying her. We've not been forceful with potty training Scout, but slowly introducing it to her while trying to make it as fun as possible. At first, it was just a toy to her. Within a week or so, she connected that it was something to sit on and really enjoyed sitting on it while I was in the bathroom or even using the bathroom. She would sit on her potty before bath time each night and some through the day. We couldn't wait for her to pee in it for the first time. We were hoping once she did, she would make a connection and the official potty training would begin. Well, she did just that on Wednesday while my mom was keeping her. I was at work and got one of the most beautiful picture messages on my phone, Scout's pee in the potty. I know, only a mother would understand my excitement! I was so proud of Scout! I thought, yes, she finally did it! Now let's hope she's made the connection! Since then, Scout has peed in the potty once. Today, she starting pulling on her diaper wanting it off, so I took it off. We went to the bathroom, she sit on her potty and within seconds, she pooped in the potty for the first time. Again, I was stoked! I made such a big deal about it and I could tell that Scout was proud!

This is a big step for a 16 month old. Let's hope it continues to go well.

Here's a YouTube video of Elmo learning to potty train. I thought it was cute and might humor some of you moms:

I'm a proud mama, but not so proud that I'll share the pictures of her poop and pee in her potty. And yes, I have a pictures to prove it! Instead, I'll share a few pictures of the Potty Princess! Enjoy!

This was at the Museum of Appalachia's Homecoming. Scout is always so happy!

Posing in front of the pumpkins.

I love it when she makes that face. She's pointing as something she really likes and is saying, "Oooooohhh!" This was at Dollywood and Scout says, "Go Vols!"

Could she possibly get any cuter?

For my moms birthday, we went to Briarwood Drive Thru Safari in Bybee, TN. We had so much fun and Scout really enjoyed looking at the animals. In this picture, Scout is waving at a group of people doing a wagon tour. She loves the attention!!

I love this picture of Scout. This was either right before or after she threw Baby Bunny out the window. Nappy had to get out to rescue her. Baby Bunny had to take a bath in the washer soon after that because she got very dirty! :)

This was taken at Cousin Cierra's birthday dinner at Outback. I never did get a good picture of Scout that night. She was too busy walking around the banquet room drinking her juice.

This picture was taken in our back yard. Check out Scout's first pimple. Hehe! It's all cleared up now! ;) Scout looks so big girlish in this picture. It makes me so sad! :(

Again, looking like a big girl. Where's my baby girl?? :(

Monday, October 11, 2010

She's My Clone!

Okay, so it's always a debate as to who your child looks the most like. I've always thought Scout favored Adam mostly, but as she's gotten older, I was leaning more towards me. After my Aunt KK posted a picture of my father and me on Facebook yesterday, I'm convinced that my child is my clone. The only different between the two of us in this picture is the color of our hair. I'll let you be the judge...

My daddy and me. He has always been so handsome! I would guess my age was around 18 months?

This picture of Scout was just before she turned a year old. It was the best picture I had to show a good comparison to. There's no denying her as my child, that's for sure!

I called my dad today because I was so excited to see this picture that I didn't even know existed. He tells me that when he looks at Scout, it's like reliving his memories with me all over again. That melts me heart! :) Apparently, her personality is much like mine was when I was her age. A big thanks to my Aunt KK for posting this picture to Facebook. You've brought much joy to my heart!