How Old Is Scout Ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Scout's Least Favorite Animal

A couple of weeks before Easter, we took Scout to Knoxville Botanical Gardens for a baby duck photo shoot with KJPhotography. I was so excited about this shoot because Scout is such an animal lover. She had done her bunny shoot just a couple of weeks prior and fell in love with the bunny, although we didn't get to spend much time with him. When Scout first saw the baby ducks she seemed very intrigued, but that all changed very quickly when she got her hands on one. She seemed a bit scared, just to be quite honest. I guess I would be too, if I was only 22 months old and didn't know what to expect. She didn't like how the duck constantly moved around and she really disliked his feet. Needless to say, the shoot was nearly a fail. Kristie was able to get a few good shots, which was amazing because Scout ended up being in a pretty foul mood. I've come to realize that for the time being, photo shoots are going to be a challenge. I know once Scout gets older, it will be easy again (hoping and praying). Honestly, she was being pretty bratty during most of the session, but it's a catch 22. Either I spank her (for acting out), which will make her cry or let her continue acting out and like a brat. Either way, there's no good ending. Oh well. I know this is all part of raising a child. Regardless, I still love her unconditionally and adore her like no other. I want her to know I love her, but I also want her to know what "tough love" is. My parents taught me tough love and I didn't turn out so bad. :) No comments from the peanut gallery, please. ;) Anyhow, with all of this above said, enjoy the pictures below. Oh, and Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mommy's and Mama's, etc! Anyone can be a mother, but it takes a real special woman to be a mommy, mama, etc.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Eye Muscle Surgery Post Op

On Friday, April 29th, we took Scout for her eye muscle surgery post op (9 days) visit. Dr. Schmitt was impressed with the healing of Scout's eyes and told us we only had to continue her antibiotic/steroid eye drops through this past weekend. That was 3 days earlier than planned. I was happy to hear that because putting eye drops in a toddlers eyes three times a day was a nightmare!! I was a bit concerned that Scout would freak out at this appointment after us messing with her eyes from eye drops, but she did so well and was such a big girl. She always makes me so proud! Dr. Schmitt did her normal eye exam and said that the position of her eyes look great, although the right eye is still slightly off. It truly isn't that noticeable to me. So, with that said, for now, she will continue wearing her glasses. Like I've said in previous posts, it can take up to two months for her eyes to completely heal. Once they are completely healed, we'll know more. I'm just hoping the surgery doesn't cause her eyes to over correct. Regardless, if they are under or over corrected, the glasses will fix the issue, as long as she wears them. The good thing is, Scout has become attached to her glasses and seems to like them. We go for our next follow up in a few weeks. I will post another update at that time.

As for everything else, life is good. We are busy with our every day lives, working and playing with a little girl in between. Scout's favorite thing to do these days, and has been for a while, is doing her flash cards. We do them at least 6+ times a day. She can get about 85% of them right between to two packs. She really impresses me! She's also been learning to count. So far, we are to three. It's not just a memorization thing either, she knows how many three is. I've been buried in my lap top lately planning her 2nd birthday party. Invitations were mailed out today, so be on the lookout! :) I can't believe my baby will be 2 in less than a month. I know I will say this every year, but it seems like she was just born yesterday. I wish I could put a stop on time, but it's so rewarding watching your child grow and learn. It's such an amazing thing.

I hope everyone is having a good week! Happy Mother's Day to all of you mommy's out there!

This isn't the best picture, but I don't have many new ones to choose from. Notice how much better Scout's eyes look. I'm so thankful for God's healing power!