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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Our Exciting Easter

We had a wonderful Easter this year! It was exciting because Scout is old enough to understand all of the Easter activities and how to participate. This year I decided to coordinate our outfits for Easter Sunday. Boy, was that a challenge! It all worked out and I thought we looked nice. :) I had lots of fun events planned for Scout over the last couple of weeks. We first started with a live bunny shoot. Scout really enjoyed that, only because she got to love on a bunny. She is such an animal lover! The weekend before Easter, we were supposed to go to the Fountain City Easter Egg Hunt (It's close to our house), but it rained all night the night before into the morning, so it was too wet and the weather had turned pretty cold. I was bummed, but we made up for it. The next day, we went for a baby duck photo shoot at Knoxville Botanical Gardens. I just knew Scout would enjoy that, but I was wrong. The photographer got a couple of shots with the baby duck, but most are of just Scout. The baby ducks moved too much and too fast, so I think they scared her a bit. I haven't received my disk of those pictures yet, but will post some once I do. The Tuesday before Scout's eye surgery, we went to Bass Pro to visit the Easter Bunny like we did last year. Scout did rather well and was excited to get jelly beans as a treat afterwards. The day before Easter, we enjoyed an Easter Bunny train ride. I was a little disappointed because I paid a lot of money for it and it turned out to not be what I expected, but Scout enjoyed it, so that made it all worth it. Then we headed to the camp ground to visit Nana and Nappy. They got Scout a bunny Pillow Pet, it's so cute, and a bag of SweetTart jellybeans, one of her faves! Easter Sunday, we headed to Lenoir City and attended my dad and step mom's church, the church I grew up in. After church, we headed over to Grumpy and Gran's for a yummy Easter dinner with my brother and his family and my sister-in-law's parents. We had a good time and lots of good eats! After that, the girls enjoyed hunting eggs that Gran put together with goodies in them. We sure had an exciting Easter, I hope you did, too!

We did a bunny shoot last year, so I wanted to continue the tradition. I wasn't pleased with this photographers work, but Scout thoroughly enjoyed "Nibbles" and she looks so stinkin' cute in these pictures.

See what I mean? Adorable, I tell ya!

She's such an animal lover! The bunny looks like a black blob. :(

We went to Bass Pro Shop the day before Scout's surgery to visit the Easter Bunny. I wasn't sure how Scout would react, but she did well. She didn't want to sit on his lap, but was okay to sit on mine. :) After we visited him, she gave him a high five!

Leaving Bass Pro, hand in hand with her Papa. So sweet! She's also holding on tightly to the jelly beans the Easter Bunny gave her. Hehe!

On Saturday, we went on an Easter Bunny train ride at Southern Appalachia Railway Museum in Oak Ridge (the same one that does the Secret City tour). You could either do just a train ride, or you could do a train ride with the Easter Bunny in the dining car. Well, although it cost much more for the dining car, I couldn't resist. She's only little once, right?

We enjoyed some arts and crafts when we first arrive. There was supposed to be a party with other kids in the dining car, but other parents backed out. So, Scout ended up being the only kid. She got lots of undivided attention and loved every minute of it!

Papa's girl!

The Easter Bunny brought Scout a special gift!

Awesome! She got a Junior Engineer Kit! A hat, train whistle and red bandana!

Papa was trying to get Scout to blow the train whistle.

Silly Papa! He's wearing Scout's engineer hat!

One of the workers traded Scout's blue hat for a pink one! We love it!

Scout decided to start wondering and almost lost her balance, but she never fell. Not too shabby considering the train was in motion.

Scout and the Easter Bunny got to play a lot!

Out of everything in this basket, Scout goes for the Starburst! She ended up getting all of the eggs and the prizes in them because she was the only kid in the dining car. She loves opening the eggs to see what was in them.

A family shot!

And...there's the train!

It's Easter morning and Scout has finally discovered her Easter basket and the card we got her!

I can't believe Scout didn't go for the candy first!

Papa is helping her out. She wants to play with her new cat!

Church is over and now we are at Grumpy and Gran's. Scout was too busy eating to pose for a picture.

Our only decent family shot. It's nearly impossible to get her to focus on getting her picture made these days.

Papa and the princess!

The Easter Bunny enjoyed shopping on Etsy for basket goodies.

Scout is very interested in her new necklace.

Another Etsy goody! I wish the Easter Bunny would visit me!

Scout loves it!

Another Easter basket goody, but not from Etsy. I love Pottery Barn Kids, too!

Grumpy and Gran got Scout her very own golf club set! She loves it!

This was so sweet! Scout's cousin, Abbey, was reading an Easter story to her and Scout's other cousin, Addison.

Taking a picture of me in the screen of the video camera. ;)

It's finally time to hunt Easter eggs! This is the first find for Scout.

She's onto something now. She's got it all figured out!

Cousin Abbey is helping Scout out.

Her Easter basket is as big as she is, but she doesn't seem to mind!

She really enjoyed herself.

Now for a look back to last year...

I only purchased prints of her bunny shoot last year, so all I have is this...
She's sooo adorable!!

These bunnies were the cutest and so was Scout!

Scout and Sam at Bass Pro waiting to see the Easter Bunny for the first time.

Scout's first time visiting the Easter Bunny! She's so little, 9 months old. :(

Scout's first Easter egg hunt. We were at UT Botanical Gardens.

Family shot!

Meeting the Easter Bunny again.

My goodness, I miss her being this little! They grow up sooo fast! :(

My life, my love...forever!

Scout's loot from last years Easter basket.

Scout's first Easter basket!

Scout's first Easter!

I love that sweet face!