How Old Is Scout Ticker

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Long Time, No Blog--We're Still Around!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Yeah, I know, it's a bit late. Nearly 2 months late to be exact. Can you tell I've been a bit busy? I've had a reminder in my phone for weeks now to update this blog, but couldn't seem to find the time to do it.

I hope everyone is doing well. We can't complain. God is good to us. We couldn't be more blessed. We had a wonderful Christmas (see pictures below) and a nice New Year's (see pictures below). I turned the BIG 3-0 January 24th. So far, I can't complain. ;) We had a lovely Valentine's Day. We took Scout to Build-A-Bear just as we did last year to keep the tradition going. I'll post a blog about that trip in a few days. I can't believe that we are almost into March! I'm really enjoying this warmer weather and hope it's here to stay!

Scout is now 20 months old and will be 21 months on the first of March. I can't believe it! My baby will be 2 very soon. It just doesn't seem possible. :( I've already started planning her big birthday bash. I'll keep those details to myself until I have some things set in stone. Scout is growing up quickly. It seems like just yesterday she was just learning to crawl. Now she runs constantly and never stops talking. She still jibber jabbers, but mostly, she's talking in sentences. It's taken us a while to figure out some of the things she saying, but wow, she amazes me! I remember teaching her body parts. She caught on pretty quickly. Now she points and tells me what and where they are. I didn't realize she could do this until last night. Sometimes I don't give her enough credit.

We went to see Dr. Schmitt (pediatric opthamologist) this past Friday for Scout's follow up. Scout's accommodative esotropia hasn't improved much with wearing glasses. We were very disappointed to say the least. We were certain it had improved, at least a little. She seems to think glasses aren't going to fix this problem for Scout, and is talking about possibly doing surgery to correct it. She does want to wait another month and we have to make sure Scout is wearing her glasses every waking moment so that we can say we've given glasses a 100% chance before going the surgery route. To help us with this, she prescribe eye drops to dilate Scout's eyes each night. They will stay dilated all day which will blur her vision making her want to wear her glasses more and not put up much of a fight. Not that she fights us, but it's a constant battle to keep them on her at times. The drops seem to be working for now. We'll follow up next month and see if there's any improvements, if still none, we are definitely looking at surgery. It breaks my heart to think about my baby being put to sleep, but I know God will take care of her.

That's really all the updates I have for now. I've spent most of my time uploading pictures to this post, which by the way, takes hours!!! Ugh! I wish there was an easier way to do this. Oh well, it's worth it! :) Thanks to all of you who follow my blog! I'm proud of my baby girl! Enjoy the pictures below:

Enjoying ourselves at the Comcast Christmas at Chilhowee Park. It was sooo very cold!

Scout wasn't too sure about Jasper, the mascot for Tennessee Valley Fair.

Scout and her BFF, Sam.

They truly love each other! And will probably hate us for this picture some day. :)

The Stinnett family Christmas gathering was at my cousin, Cierra's, house this year. Scout really enjoyed her cousin Dylan's car.

Just hanging out...

Scout got some pajama's, a purse, and stuffed animal from Ninny for Christmas. :) Knowing that my Ninny is on a very fixed income, not to mention, she's taken advantage of, it really meant a lot to me that she got all the great grand kids gifts.

Gunner got Scout's name for Christmas and his mommy, Mandy, picked out Scout an awesome gift. A personalized bag! We LOVE personalized stuff. He also got Scout a giftcard to Crazy 8, one of our favorite clothing stores. :) Thank you, Mandy, Tyler, and Gunner!

Scout loves babies! She can spot them a mile away! She was giving Gunner all sorts of lovin's!

The next day, we went to mamaw's for the Helton family Christmas gathering. Scout is opening her gift from Bubba and Auntie Ami.

Look at my big girl sitting at the table. She was "coloring" and hanging out with her new stuffed animal from Bubba and Auntie Ami.

Looking cute, as always. :)

Scout loved playing with her cousin Landon's new puppy, Gizmo. He sure is cute, soft, and itty bitty.

We took a trip to Bass Pro Shop in Sevierville to visit Santa again. Scout still didn't think he was all that great. Maybe next year?

Sam wasn't too fond of Santa, either.

Addison, my beautiful niece, was all about some Santa. She sat up on his lap and told him exactly what she wished for.

After our trip to Bass Pro, we went across the street to Shadrack's Christmas Wonderland. It's a Christmas light show that coordinated with music. It's well worth the money!

Scout got to sit in our laps for the ride since it was in a parking lot and very slow moving.

Posing with Mama. I love my girl!

The pictures just don't do it justice.

We spent Christmas Eve at Jeremy and Shannon's house. They served some really yummy soups!

I just love this picture of Adam and Scout. She loves her Papa.

Shannon might kill me for posting this picture of her, but I liked it because it had all 4 grandbabies in it. Although, one is baking in the oven. :)

Nana helped Scout open her gifts from Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Shannon. She loves her Leap Frog Learn and Groove and her Leap Frog Tag Junior and books. Thanks, guys!

My girl is always so happy. :)

It's finally Christmas morning. It looks like Santa ate some cookies and drank some milk. Our tradition is to make Santa boiled cookies (most call them no bake oatmeal cookies).

Wakey, wakey baby girl. She was greeted with a cup of milk. She has to have her morning milk.

Look what Santa left!! She loves it!

She loved her new kitchen set so much, she didn't care to look at anything else or unwrap gifts.

Still enjoying her kitchen set. I'm glad she likes it so much.

We woke up to snow! The first white Christmas in many, many years!

Papa is teaching Scout how to ride her scooter.

Papa was helping Scout unwrap one of her many gifts from Nana. It took us all morning to open gifts. She had tons and didn't have much interest in anything except for her kitchen set. Good job, Santa!

Papa was reading Scout's Christmas card to her. It was a Disney princess card that came with Silly Bandz. Score!!

She even got a personalized apron to use while "cooking" in her kitchen.

This was another fave of Scout's. She feels like a big girl with her back pack on and looks so cute wearing it.

She's set! She's has one of her new babies, her apron, and her back pack. She played like that for quite a while. So cute!

Now it's time to open stockings. She racked up once again. She got lip smackers, gummy bears, house shoes, a new electric Hello Kitty tooth brush and tooth paste, a DVD... So much that I don't remember.

Our next stop on Christmas Day was at Grumpy and Gran's. Scout is sporting her new knitted hat and scarf made by Gran. We love it!

Gran and all of her grand babies!

Christmas with Grandma was a week late due to the snow (she lives in NC). She came over on New Year's Day. Scout got a new baby doll that she adores!

And...her baby doll has a bed! Grandma made all of this as well as the bedding. Scout kisses her baby and lays her down and tells her "night night" when she's playing. It's the sweetest thing I've ever seen!

After we opening gifts, we went outside so Scout could ride her new Barbie trail rider. She was wearing out the cul-de-sac.

I love this sweet picture of my girl. :)

Papa was teaching Scout how to skate. She really enjoyed it.

We headed over to my step grand parents for our New Year's Day dinner. I love the traditional New Year's food. Yum! Scout enjoyed playing with the dogs through the sliding glass door.

Scout and her great Poppa.

Playing with the dog again.

We went outside to play for a bit. We had rather mild weather on New Year's Day. I love how Scout is running in the picture. I wish I had her energy!!!

Still running...

Loving on the dog again. Can you tell she loves dogs?? :)

She loves her Mama! This picture makes me smile! :)

This picture has nothing to do with the holidays, but was too cute not to share. Scout got some new bath crayons a while back. This was her first time using them. She's so smart, she can already spell her name and write it!!!

Well, maybe this is more like it. :)