I can't believe how fast my baby girl is growing. It seems like each day she is learning something new. She has the best sense of humor and keeps me laughing all of the time. She's usually happy and is so easy going. I know I am blessed regardless of what my child looks like, acts like, etc...but REALLY, I am BLESSED!
So, what is Scout doing these days? Well, she's added another word to her vocabulary recently. Actually, she's said it several times before, but is really starting to say it a lot and knows what it means. She says "baby" all the time, but is sounds more like "baaabeeey". She drags it out and sounds so sweet. She walks around with her baby dolls saying "baby" constantly. A few of her baby dolls giggle when you squeeze their tummy and that always makes her laugh. I love it.
Scout has been blowing her nose, which seems amazing to me, for sometime now. When I say she blows her nose, I mean...she really blows the snot (sorry for being so nasty) out of her nose. It isn't a pretend kind of thing. It's the funniest thing. I'm really glad that we are to that point. No more having to suck the snot out with an aspirator and ticking her off. She really enjoys blowing her nose. As a matter of fact, any time she has a tissue or a baby wipe, the first thing she does is blow her nose with it. Is this really such a good thing or a bad habit? Hehe!
Scout helps me a lot around the house, well...sort of. I like to make her think she is. She loves to help me Windex the glass coffee table and storm doors. She helps dust. She likes to "help" put the dishes away and of course fold laundry. She has the most fun pushing the laundry basket around the kitchen and living room. I hope she is a clean fanatic just like her Mama. Well, some say I'm OCD. ;-)
Scout seems to be very musically inclined. She plays her keyboard quite well, but about a month or more ago discovered how to play her recorder. She blows in that recorder like she's been doing it the whole 15, nearly 16 months of her life. She is always so proud of herself. We usually take turns playing. Scout can also whistle. Yes, you read that right, she can whistle more beautiful than any bird I've ever heard! I whistle quite a bit, and so does Adam. I guess she just picked up on it. On Friday morning, she was playing and I was whistling a tune of some sort. She kind of laid back and started trying. She formed her pretty little lips into this perfect circle and started blowing. She blew until she heard herself whistle. I think I was more proud than she was. She really didn't realize what she had done. I encouraged her to do it the rest of the day. I hope she doesn't forget. It seems she is really good at blowing...she blows her nose, the recorder and can whistle. I know, I think my child's a genius, but don't we all? :)
Let's see, what else is my little tyke up to? We are working on learning what different animals are. She thinks most animals are dogs and refers to them as dogs, which she says pretty good. She also knows that dogs say, "Woof Woof" and can impersonate them pretty good and cute, too. At least now she doesn't call all animals "Lily" or Lola", that's our dogs names. We have also been learning body parts, but mainly focusing on the face right now. So far, she has caught on to "nose". Nothing else has stuck just yet. It's really cute watching her point to her nose when you ask her where it's at.
Scout has also learned to say "Ssshhhhhhhhh" while putting her index finger over her mouth. She's picked that up at day care. It's cute, though. Of course, everything she does is cute to me. :) The dogs were barking at the neighbors the other day and I told them to hush. Scout proceeds to say: "Huussssshhhhh" and puts her finger over her mouth. Hilarious. I hope she forgets the word hush, it's not such a nice word for a little girl to say. Speaking of bad things, Scout has figured out how to stick her itty, bitty pretty finger in her cute, little, pretty nose. Ewww! I'm glad she isn't picking it just yet. She knows it's bad and knows she will get in trouble for doing it. Although, she likes to test me and sticks it in her nose anyways while giving me that "I'm not liiiiisteninnnng" look. She's such a stinker.
Scout has really improved her walking skills over the last few weeks. I'd say she has mastered it and is on to running now, especially in circles. I swear, she doesn't stop. I only wish to have half the energy my child has. When I picked her up at day care last week, she was at the door looking out the window waiting for me. I was walking up the drive way and she hits the window to get my attention. She was so happy to see me, or so I thought. I open the door, she proceeds to practically run down the drive way towards the car, but was so excited, she passed it up. It was too cute.
Scout has always had a special love for the outdoors, but it's becoming an obsession these days. She stands at the door and cries to go outside. I'd say I can blame my mother for that. She keeps Scout one day a week for me at my house and takes Scout outside often. She loves it! The bad part is that the mosquito's love her.
We bought a potty chair last weekend. Scout seems thrilled about it (she likes to climb on it), but still doesn't understand really what it's for. However, we are trying to teach her. We have been sitting her on it often and making a big deal about it. At 15 months, it probably seems a little too soon to start potty training, but it doesn't hurt to try and keep working at it. We had read that before disposable diapers existed, the average age for being totally potty trained was between 9 and 12 months. So, there's proof it can happen. Scout is certainly giving signs that she is tired of her diaper.
That's all I have for now. This seems like it's more of a bragging post than anything, but if you're parent, you know what it feels like to be proud of your child's accomplishments, whether they are big or small. They all count and make us smile!
This post will be without a picture. Adam and I both have very, very little space left on both our lap tops, therefore, we have LOTS of pictures still on the memory card. As soon as we buy more memory, like an external hard drive, I'll upload some recent pictures of my pride and joy. I hope everyone has a blessed week and is enjoying this cooler fall weather.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Scout's Been Clowning Around
As you all know, on September 1st, Scout turned 15 months. For Scout's 15 month photo shoot we went to the Tennessee Valley Fair (08/10/10). We used a different photographer this go round and all I have to say is VERY positive things about her. Leah Bullard is amazing and I hope to use her again in the near future. It will be another week or so before I get the CD with all of Scout's images, but for now, here is a sneak peek. This is from Leah's Photo Blog: Scout's 15 Month Photo Shoot
This post is to be continued once I receive the disk, but until then...ENJOY!
We received our CD of pictures from Leah yesterday by mail. Let me just tell you, I'm impressed! Leah Bullard really outdid herself. She is an amazing photographer and hope to book Scout's 18 month photo shoot with her around the end of November/beginning of December. Below, you will find some of my favorite shots during the shoot. Some of these may be duplicates of the ones she had posted on her blog. So, if you saw them on there, enjoy them again! ;)
This is a stranger that asked to take a picture of Scout. I said she could, but felt really weird about it. Leah took this picture of her taking a picture. At least she asked, most other people were being sneaky with their cell phones and cameras snapping pictures. You would have thought she was famous. Maybe she is? ;-)
I love the look on her face in this shot.
This is when I added Scout's clown nose. She sit so still for me. She loves make-up, I'm not sure who she gets that from. Hehe! This is also the same tube of lipstick you will notice she is carrying around in most of the pictures. It makes her happy and that's what we wanted to see, a happy clown...I mean Scout! :)
Climbing stairs, she is such a monkey sometimes!
Success and proud of it! She is so rotten sometimes!
She enjoyed playing in the water and with the rubber ducks.
Living it up!
When nothing else makes my girl happy, a cheesy rice & corn puff will! This picture is way too cute!
We have fun together!
I have the most beautiful child. Period.
Check out those thighs! I love it!
We walked around the Little Ponderosa Petting Zoo. Scout liked watching the ducks.
This picture says so much. I love it, so powerful!
Caught in the middle of a fall. I love shots like this!
Putting Papa's hat on his head. I love how she concentrates with her tongue. She came by that honest from both Adam and me.
Great shot, Leah!
This post is to be continued once I receive the disk, but until then...ENJOY!
September 23, 2010
This is an addendum to the post above:
This is an addendum to the post above:
We received our CD of pictures from Leah yesterday by mail. Let me just tell you, I'm impressed! Leah Bullard really outdid herself. She is an amazing photographer and hope to book Scout's 18 month photo shoot with her around the end of November/beginning of December. Below, you will find some of my favorite shots during the shoot. Some of these may be duplicates of the ones she had posted on her blog. So, if you saw them on there, enjoy them again! ;)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
This Is How It Became "All About Scout"
Adam and I are approaching the 2 year "anniversary" of becoming parents. I will let my pictures tell you the story...
Little did we know that this is where it became "All About Scout"! During our vacation to Indian Shores, FL, we got pregnant. Yes, we were trying and YES we knew the timing was perfect! ;-)
Nearly 4 weeks later, and "knowing" that I felt different, we got the answer we were hoping for! 10/05/08
The excited parents-to-be.
This is how we told my mom the good news. We went to Outback Steakhouse to celebrate her 49th birthday. We brought in this cookie cake to tell her the good news, her best birthday present, EVER! She screamed, literally, with excitement!
Of course, the waiter thought it would be funny to change moms age to 94.
At the Susan G. Komen's Knoxville Race for the Cure
This is how we told my dad and step mom, Lisa. Adam took the picture of me holding the pregnancy test and added the words "Help This Mommy-To-Be Support Breast Cancer Awareness". They didn't really notice, I had to point it out. I've never seen my dad light up like he did that morning.
My Belly Pictures
27 weeks 4 days
28 weeks 4 days
Enjoying the beginning of spring!
31 weeks 2 days
After my baby shower at Adam's work. This is in the nursery. My dad was in the process of painting it.
31 weeks 3 days
Easter Sunday, showing off my dads talent. He did an amazing job painting Scout's nursery.
33 weeks 5 days
Showing off my baby bump before we went to one of our baby classes at "Teddy Bear University, a.k.a. Parkwest Medical Center
34 weeks 3 days
Anxiously awaiting our baby girls arrival.
34 weeks 3 days
My absolute favorite maternity shot. Randy asked me to just stand there and think about my angel and my mind was flooded with so many emotions. I'll never forget that moment!
34 weeks 3 days
Mama angel, pregnant with a baby angel. You'll see Scout's angel wing shot on down the page.
The Creation of a Beautiful Life
7 weeks
The first glimpse of our angel. The emotions you feel when you heart your baby's heart beat for the very first time is the most amazing thing. How can someone deny God's creation?
9 weeks 6 days
Isn't it amazing how much your baby changes in just 2 weeks 6 days in utero.
12 weeks
My little pea in a pod.
12 weeks
A profile shot of my little pea in a pod.
16 weeks 6 days
You can already see formation of her beautiful face.
16 weeks 6 days
We were told we were having a GIRL! As you can see, it's hard to believe. I wasn't convinced! You can see her head turned to the side towards the back.
20 weeks 6 days
I had the ultrasound tech check the sex again. She's definitely a girl! It was a good thing, because Nana had already loaded us down with lots of girly clothes!
20 weeks 6 days
This was one of my favorite ultrasound images of Scout. Look at that perfect little body at just half way through her gestation.
20 weeks 6 days
Such a beautiful profile!
23 weeks 1 day
I thought it couldn't hurt to check the sex EVERY TIME! Yep, we're still having a girl! :)
23 weeks 1 day
Scout hiding her face with her arms and hand.
23 weeks 1 day
The back side of Scout. Look at her ribs! I love getting 3D shots of my baby at every visit!
23 weeks 1 day
Another face shot! I've been in love with that sweet, little face before I ever saw it!
23 weeks 1 day
Another face shot. It looks like she's popping her neck! Ha!
25 weeks 2 days
Another face/profile shot
28 weeks
Scout is getting bigger, therefore, the 3D images aren't as good. She didn't have as much room to move around.
29 weeks 2 days
Adam bought me a package to go to Focused Within to have 3D/4D ultrasound done. Honestly, I thought they would be better than what my OB offered, but they really weren't. It was still a nice experience. All of the grandparents gathered as they watched their grand baby move around in my belly.
29 weeks 2 days
Still in slight denial, I also had them check the sex. She's still a GIRL!
29 weeks 2 days
My angels head leaning back.
29 weeks 2 days
Face, arm, and very long fingers!
30 weeks 2 days
View of face, but looks a little distorted. You can see the definition of her lips.
34 weeks
Again, the hand is on her face. She still sleeps like this!
34 weeks
I asked for yet, another "pee pee" shot. Yes, she's DEFINITELY A GIRL! After this good 3D shot, I was finally convinced and at ease. I had 6 weeks to go and could finally stop worrying about the gender.
36 weeks
She's still hiding behind her hand, but you can see a smile out of the corner of her mouth. :)
36 weeks
Scout's last picture taken in utero. We'll see you soon!
38 weeks 4 days
The last picture taken at the house with Scout in utero. This was the day we left to go to the hospital for my induction. 05/31/10
At Parkwest Medical Center
Soon-To-Be Papa and Mama Gilreath
I was induced that night.
On 06/01/10 at 8:10pm, Scout Raylea Gilreath was born into this world.
6lbs 4oz 20in
My first time holding Scout. This was during our "bonding" time with her before the rest of the family met her. At this point, she was still unnamed.
This was just after everyone came in to meet Miss Scout Raylea.
I'm In Love!
Scout's Hospital Picture
Scout's Past 15 Months
Most of these pictures were taken on the 1st of each month, some are from her photo shoots.
Watch how Scout grows...
One Month
One of the only times Scout took a pacifier.
Scout's 1 Month Photo Shoot
Scout's 1 Month Photo Shoot
See, she is an angel!
Two Months
After having dinner with Uncle Six, Auntie Appen, and BFF Sam was still in Appen's belly. We met her 12 days laster!
Three Months
Scout's 3 Month Photo Shoot
Scout in her antique pram that GeeGee refinished.
Scout's 3 Month Photo Shoot
Scout was laying in my belly cast that Adam did (Lisa and Maggie painted) while I was pregnant.
Four Months
My two babies, Scout #1 and Lily #2!
Five Months
At cousin, Dylan's 2nd birthday party.
Six Months
Scout's 6 Month Photo Shoot
When Scout first started teething, she would stick her tongue out like that. About a week after this picture, her first tooth popped through!
Scout's 6 Month Photo Shoot
I LOVE my family!
Scout's 6 Month Photo Shoot
Little Red Riding Hood
Scout's 6 Month Photo Shoot
This was my fave picture from the entire shoot.
Scout's 6 Month Photo Shoot
Seven Months
New Year's Day, hanging out with GeeGee.
Eight Months
Nine Months
Scout's 9 Month Photo Shoot
Scout's 9 Month Photo Shoot
My little Diva, sporting her Heelarious Heels.
Scout's 9 Month Photo Shoot
She's so cute!
Ten Months
Eleven Months
Twelve Months
Happy 1st Birthday, Scout Raylea!!
Thirteen Months
I was slacking this month and forgot the take her picture on the first. This is as close as it gets! This is at Hornsby Hollow, the campground that Nana and Nappy camp at. We spent the 4th of July with them. Please excuse the way I look, after all, I was camping! :)
Fourteen Months
Sweet face!
Fifteen Months
My big girl brushing her teeth after her bath.
My mommy journey has been amazing. God has blessed Adam and me more than we'll ever deserve. With that said, I'll leave you with this...
This is how we told my mom the good news. We went to Outback Steakhouse to celebrate her 49th birthday. We brought in this cookie cake to tell her the good news, her best birthday present, EVER! She screamed, literally, with excitement!
Of course, the waiter thought it would be funny to change moms age to 94.
At the Susan G. Komen's Knoxville Race for the Cure
This is how we told my dad and step mom, Lisa. Adam took the picture of me holding the pregnancy test and added the words "Help This Mommy-To-Be Support Breast Cancer Awareness". They didn't really notice, I had to point it out. I've never seen my dad light up like he did that morning.
My Belly Pictures
Enjoying the beginning of spring!
After my baby shower at Adam's work. This is in the nursery. My dad was in the process of painting it.
Easter Sunday, showing off my dads talent. He did an amazing job painting Scout's nursery.
Showing off my baby bump before we went to one of our baby classes at "Teddy Bear University, a.k.a. Parkwest Medical Center

Anxiously awaiting our baby girls arrival.

My absolute favorite maternity shot. Randy asked me to just stand there and think about my angel and my mind was flooded with so many emotions. I'll never forget that moment!

Mama angel, pregnant with a baby angel. You'll see Scout's angel wing shot on down the page.
The Creation of a Beautiful Life

The first glimpse of our angel. The emotions you feel when you heart your baby's heart beat for the very first time is the most amazing thing. How can someone deny God's creation?

Isn't it amazing how much your baby changes in just 2 weeks 6 days in utero.

My little pea in a pod.

A profile shot of my little pea in a pod.

You can already see formation of her beautiful face.

We were told we were having a GIRL! As you can see, it's hard to believe. I wasn't convinced! You can see her head turned to the side towards the back.

I had the ultrasound tech check the sex again. She's definitely a girl! It was a good thing, because Nana had already loaded us down with lots of girly clothes!

This was one of my favorite ultrasound images of Scout. Look at that perfect little body at just half way through her gestation.

Such a beautiful profile!

I thought it couldn't hurt to check the sex EVERY TIME! Yep, we're still having a girl! :)

Scout hiding her face with her arms and hand.

The back side of Scout. Look at her ribs! I love getting 3D shots of my baby at every visit!

Another face shot! I've been in love with that sweet, little face before I ever saw it!

Another face shot. It looks like she's popping her neck! Ha!

Another face/profile shot

Scout is getting bigger, therefore, the 3D images aren't as good. She didn't have as much room to move around.
Adam bought me a package to go to Focused Within to have 3D/4D ultrasound done. Honestly, I thought they would be better than what my OB offered, but they really weren't. It was still a nice experience. All of the grandparents gathered as they watched their grand baby move around in my belly.
Still in slight denial, I also had them check the sex. She's still a GIRL!
My angels head leaning back.
Face, arm, and very long fingers!

View of face, but looks a little distorted. You can see the definition of her lips.

Again, the hand is on her face. She still sleeps like this!

I asked for yet, another "pee pee" shot. Yes, she's DEFINITELY A GIRL! After this good 3D shot, I was finally convinced and at ease. I had 6 weeks to go and could finally stop worrying about the gender.

She's still hiding behind her hand, but you can see a smile out of the corner of her mouth. :)

Scout's last picture taken in utero. We'll see you soon!
The last picture taken at the house with Scout in utero. This was the day we left to go to the hospital for my induction. 05/31/10
At Parkwest Medical Center
Soon-To-Be Papa and Mama Gilreath
I was induced that night.
6lbs 4oz 20in
I'm In Love!

Scout's Past 15 Months
Most of these pictures were taken on the 1st of each month, some are from her photo shoots.
Watch how Scout grows...
One Month
One of the only times Scout took a pacifier.

See, she is an angel!
Two Months
After having dinner with Uncle Six, Auntie Appen, and BFF Sam was still in Appen's belly. We met her 12 days laster!
Three Months

Scout in her antique pram that GeeGee refinished.

Scout was laying in my belly cast that Adam did (Lisa and Maggie painted) while I was pregnant.
Four Months
My two babies, Scout #1 and Lily #2!
Five Months
At cousin, Dylan's 2nd birthday party.
Six Months

When Scout first started teething, she would stick her tongue out like that. About a week after this picture, her first tooth popped through!

I LOVE my family!

Little Red Riding Hood

This was my fave picture from the entire shoot.

Seven Months
New Year's Day, hanging out with GeeGee.

Eight Months

Nine Months

My little Diva, sporting her Heelarious Heels.

She's so cute!

Ten Months

Eleven Months
Twelve Months
Happy 1st Birthday, Scout Raylea!!

Thirteen Months
I was slacking this month and forgot the take her picture on the first. This is as close as it gets! This is at Hornsby Hollow, the campground that Nana and Nappy camp at. We spent the 4th of July with them. Please excuse the way I look, after all, I was camping! :)

Fourteen Months
Sweet face!

Fifteen Months
My big girl brushing her teeth after her bath.
My mommy journey has been amazing. God has blessed Adam and me more than we'll ever deserve. With that said, I'll leave you with this...
"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." -Angela Schwindt
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